Drawing of a person on a kick scooter dwg cad

This drawing is part of the pack people-on-wheels-1
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Drawing of a person on a kick scooter. She has the wind in her hair and the sun in her face... Hmm.. That's a good first line of a cheesy song! Please make a song from it. If you get rich please buy a pack.
cad blocks
cad people
silhouette dwg
2d people
vector persons
people dwg
dwg cad

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People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
Kids playing cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
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People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
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Tesla model S, 3 and X car cad blocks


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People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
Kids playing cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks
People cad blocks

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